Objective And Mission

Our Mission

Our collective vision is to develop an environment that fosters exemplary, innovative that responds swiftly to the challenges of the 21st century. Through the assessment of the academic achievement of our students and the effectiveness of our research programs we will demonstrate our commitment to excellence and continuous development. We have foresighted and envisioned that by the year 2020

Our Mission

Academic Objective

Our objectives in higher technical education are not only to promote equality and social justice, but also to provide the right kind of work ethos, professional expertise and leadership in all walks of life. Above all, our endeavor is to foster among teachers and students and through them in society generally, integral development of values inherent in physical, emotional, rational, aesthetic, ethical and spiritual education. The Institute have a grater emphasis on design oriented teaching, teaching of technical methodologies, problem - solving approach.

Academic Objective

Our Key Points

  1. Provide a unique opportunity for professional education
  2. Equip the students with a high level of conceptual, analytical, and descriptive abilities
  3. Develop better decision-making skills
  4. Initiate group skills and team working spirits
  5. Exploit IT for societal development through application programmes
  6. Engage in application-oriented research and development activities
  7. Enable the students to comprehend and understand the complex environment around them and handle their jobs effectively and completely
  8. Provide practical training to students so that they can have a better insight to the complexities of the business environment
  9. To provide a sound academic environment to students for a complete learning experience
  10. To provide state-of-the-art technical infrastructure and motivate students & staff to realize they're potential
  11. To promote managerial and technological skills of students and ensure their all-round development
  12. To promote sound education which implies the full and harmonious development of the individual according to his or her aptitude with a sense of social responsibility
  13. To disseminate sound ideas on education among parents, teachers, guardians and people in general